by fire and sword
- Film
- Interactive
War in the Niagara Theatre 1812-1814
By Fire and Sword focused on the Niagara region’s vital role in The War of 1812. Working jointly with the curators at the Buffalo History Museum, an interactive application was developed along with various live-action scenes to enhance the physical content of the exhibit. More than 30 historians, consultants, technicians and actors participated exhibit, which ran for nine months and was the museum’s most modern and interactive exhibit to date.
Exhibit Walkthrough
This was a short video taken at the grand opening of the exhibit that demonstrates some of the interactivity of the exhibit.
Tutorial Video
This short video played at the beginning of the app experience for exhibit visitors.
The Battle of Fort George
The short scene depicts the prelude of the Battle of Fort George in 1813, and was associated with Commodore Perry's chest in the physical exhibit.
The app utilized NFC technology to trigger multimedia placed throughout the exhibit. Each scan label was strategically placed to tell stories behind the historical artifacts that populated the exhibit.
Art Director / Associate Producer
Buffalo History Museum
Cinematographer / Software Developer
Erik Taheri
3D Character Designer
Brian Russ2D Designer
Steve Lakomski